
  1. Before solving a maze with the AI player, it's good idea to check if your code works.

  2. Go to

    (Your port might be different,
    check with the terminal output when you started the application)

  3. Run each of the /test/... and
    make sure the responses are JSON objects with "error": false.

  1. If any of the test returns a response with "error": true, check the corresponding method in the Player class.

    test method
    /test/initialise/{player_name} __init__
    /test/reset_player reset
    /test/set_maze set_maze
    /test/next_node next_node
    /test/node_state set_node_state
    /test/search_tree get_search_tree
  2. For errors, go to the terminal in which you executed uvicorn main:app --reload and check the logs.

  3. If there is no error, or all errors are cleared, you can go ahead to the next step - solving the maze with your AI player.

Last Updated: 4/27/2020, 4:37:55 PM